You can’t successfully run a business without a consistent revenue stream. No matter how strong your ideas are, they won’t be of much use if you don’t have a way to continually bring in money. As a business owner, more revenue usually means more security, and that will lead to more satisfaction with your business from both the client and team perspectives…
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Last time we looked at how to increase your closure rate by changing the leads that come to you - with better targeting and more specific filtering. Next, we turn inwards and focus on ourselves. If the best leads are coming to us - how do we close the maximum number? I often get asked, what an appropriate closure rate is... and I wish I had a uniform answer to that.
Last week we looked at how to increase the number of marketing leads - which in turn should increase your revenue. Now, whether you can increase the number of leads or not, wouldn’t it be great if a greater percentage of leads that you got - actually turned into revenue?
In this series of videos we’re looking at the number one request I have from all the amazing business owners I coach. How to increase Revenue. We’ve looked at sales and leads measurement and management. Now we look at where those leads are coming in and possible ways to increase them.
The last time we looked at how to set you up for success is sales measurement. Next - now that you have some visibility the simplest thing you can do to have more revenue - to make more sales, is to have more leads coming in.