online store More Revenue - Part 2 - aka Lead Me On [Video] — EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

The last time we looked at how to set you up for success is sales measurement. Next - now that you have some visibility the simplest thing you can do to have more revenue - to make more sales, is to have more leads coming in.


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Transcript of video:

My name is Nick Leighton and for the next few minutes, you are exactly where you want to be.

This is originally recorded February 16, 2021

In this series of videos we’re looking at the number one request I have from all the amazing business owners I coach. How to increase Revenue.

There are a number of things to get right - and if they all come together in synchronicity you’re going to feel the wind in your hair and the adrenaline of success. BUT… right now I understand and know your frustration if it feels like you are walking in wet tar.

The last time we looked at how to set you up for success is sales measurement.

Next - now that you have some visibility the simplest thing you can do to have more revenue - to make more sales, is to have more leads coming in. 

The math is simple... the more leads you have, the more you can convert to sales. The more revenue you will make. It’s not rocket-science.

It doesn’t matter if you sell a professional service retainer product that costs tens of thousands of dollars and only need a few sales a year, or if you are selling a product online for a couple of dollars - the more enquiries or leads you get, the more you will sell.

Let’s look at the numbers... Now, you probably have some data you can pull to help you. If you have a website at the basic level you’ll have some stats there, or on Google Analytics. Maybe you ask web visitors to complete a lead form... that would be great to review.

Better still, if you are already spending any money on advertising - such as Yelp - you can pull data from there. And even better, if you have an integrated marketing online system - such as HubSpot that pulls all your leads into one place - that data will be invaluable.

For some businesses, it makes sense to have a CRM - a customer relationship management system. Whether you’re using something complex like Salesforce, or easy and free such as Trello, then you’ll have great data available.

What is a lead? Well that will change based on the type of business you have - you can answer that better... whether a lead is a visitor to your check-out page, or a phone call into the office... you know and that’s what we’re talking about.

Let’s get some of this data written down.

How many leads have you got in the past!

In that same time period what was your revenue?

Next - divide the revenue by the number of leads - that’s your average lead value... why do you care? 

Because it will help you consider how much money you may want to spend on marketing...

Next - what is your NEW revenue goal?

So now, how many leads do you need to get, in order to hit that desired revenue?

You now have lead goals - nice going!

That is a LEAD INDICATOR… if you measure your leads, you’ll have a pretty good idea about what your future revenue will be.

Do yourself a favor. Set up a Google Sheet or similar right now. Start measuring your leads.


  • Know what is a lead is worth to you

  • Know how many leads you need to hit your sales goal

Next time, well look at what we can do with that one, most vital piece of information.

And if you like the tips and tricks here:

  1. check out our new more revenue worksheet - I’ll link to it below

  2. please do me a small favor - like and share.

My name is Nick Leighton and I wish you passion, profit, and happiness.

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