online store More Revenue - Part 4 - aka What Are You Closing? [Video] — EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

Last week we looked at how to increase the number of marketing leads - which in turn should increase your revenue. Now, whether you can increase the number of leads or not, wouldn’t it be great if a greater percentage of leads that you got - actually turned into revenue?


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Transcript of video:

My name is Nick Leighton and for the next few minutes, you are exactly where you want to be.

This is originally recorded March 2, 2021

Last week we looked at how to increase the number of marketing leads - which in turn should increase your revenue.

Now, whether you can increase the number of leads or not, wouldn’t it be great if a greater percentage of leads that you got - actually turned into revenue?

Of course - that would be great and would lead to greater revenue.

Even if you could not increase the number of leads, this strategy alone will give you more revenue. Marry the two together and we have something great.

Think of your leads in the terms of three buckets.

Those that are still active leads, those that are closed and lost, and the third bucket is closed won leads. As I explain on my Virtual Mastermind - the ‘lead game’ is to move leads quickly and efficiently from the ‘active’ bucket into either the ‘lost’ or ‘won’ buckets. The ‘lost’ is so important as you then stop spending resources on them. That’s a larger conversation for another time.

First - A little planning.

Do you know how many marketing leads you get?

And, how many of those leads do you convert to sales. That’s closed leads won.

That’s your win rate if expressed as a percentage.

Secondly - what is the average value of each customer you have.

How much revenue do you make from each customer? Depending on your business, this may be a one-time purchase, multiple purchases over time, or possibly an average life-time retainer value.

So, if you have a sales goal - then you can now calculate how many new customers you need to close in order to reach your sales goal.

And, as you know your win rate, you can calculate how many marketing leads you need.

Are you getting this number of leads?

Will, with what you worked out from my video last week, able to get a consistent number of leads to hit your goals?

Whatever your lead flow is - or your projected lead flow - what happens now if we increase the win rate by 5%?

What would happen if we can increase the win rate by 10%?

What would happen to your sales revenue - with the same number of leads coming in - if you could increase your win rate by 20%?

That’s the power of conversion.

Just by attracting the same number of leads, if your win rate increases - your revenue can dramatically increase.

That’s the theory and math behind what we are going to cover next week.

I’m going to cover two ways to increase your win rate.


  • Know what your win rate is

  • Know what would happen if you could increase your win rate

  • Join me next week to find out how to do that.

So next time, we’ll look at two ways to increase your win rate…

And if you like the tips and tricks here:

  1. check out our new more revenue worksheet - I’ll link to it below

  2. please do me a small favor - like and share.

My name is Nick Leighton and I wish you passion, profit, and happiness.

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