online store More Revenue - Part 3 - aka Marketing Harder [Video] — EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

In this series of videos we’re looking at the number one request I have from all the amazing business owners I coach. How to increase revenue. We’ve looked at sales and leads measurement and management. Now we look at where those leads are coming in and possible ways to increase them.


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Transcript of video:

My name is Nick Leighton and for the next few minutes, you are exactly where you want to be.

This is originally recorded on February 23, 2021

In this series of videos we’re looking at the number one request I have from all the amazing business owners I coach. How to increase Revenue.

We’ve looked at sales and leads management.

If you didn’t see the last video, and you don’t know how many leads you need to reach your news sales goal, I suggest you go back and check that out.

How are you presently getting leads? 

What is your present marketing strategy? 

Let’s be honest.

Are you only organic now, relying on people who magically find you online or are referred from current/past customers - that’s OK that’s common. I see this most often when I start working with business owners.

Here’s the reality - if you want more leads, then need to be meaningful in how you attract them. There are many, many marketing strategies you could look at. Some of these will take just your time, and others will take a financial investment.

The next question I often get is, well how much will I need to invest, and what is a good ROI on marketing? 

Let me start by asking you a question - If you could spend $50 on marketing and it made you $100 in profit - would you?  

Most entrepreneurs would.

What if it cost $99 of marketing spend to make $100 profit?  Well, my answer is that I would do this - if it took up no time (my time is worth money) AND if I could scale this. Because I would happily spend $990,000 to make $1 million. That’s an easy 10k.

But, of course, every marketing action takes time and you have an opportunity cost to think about. AND every marketing action has a risk factor to it... the chance it will work - even if it worked last time.

Next up - you need to look at various marketing strategies you could be doing and ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you presently actively doing this marketing action?

  • How much do you want to take this strategy on

  • What is your next action? When will you do it? What do you need?

What do you need to consider?

Well, there are a lot of marketing tactics you could be considering:

  • Referrals.

  • Sales calls.

  • Networking.

  • Article placement and public relation. 

  • Events & Exhibitions. 

  • Email marketing. 

  • Organic social media...

  • Social Media advertising

  • Other advertising... there are plenty of options... from Google ads, paying to be in directories, to print magazine, billboard, radio, cinema adverts... etc

  • SEO.... 

And this list is not exhaustive... I’ve left a couple of rows for you to add your own.

You know what, this is beginning to sound a lot like a marketing plan… :-)

Do yourself a favor. Set up a Google Sheet or similar right now. Start recording your marketing actions.


  • Review what marketing you are doing

  • Investigate what marketing you could be doing to increase your leads

Next time, well look at what we can do to Increase your Sales Conversion.

And if you like the tips and tricks here:

  1. check out our new more revenue worksheet - I’ll link to it below

  2. please do me a small favor - like and share.

My name is Nick Leighton and I wish you passion, profit, and happiness.

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