online store COVID Fatigue & Boosting Your Team [Video] — EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

We want to overcome the pandemic fatigue that some of your team are most probably feeling. We’re working on how to reenergize your company for the long run…

As a business leader, it is your responsibility to actively manage the energy of your workforce, cultivate the quality of your team’s relationships, and demonstrate a capacity for resilience to recharge your business during a crisis.

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Transcript of video:

My name is Nick Leighton and for the next few minutes, you are exactly where you want to be.

This is originally recorded December 8, 2020 for Facebook Live - uncut and uncensored. On location in Cabo, Mexico.

This week - let’s look at your team and let’s find ways to help them, which in turn will help your company.

We want to overcome the pandemic fatigue that some of your team are most probably feeling. We’re working on how to reenergize your company for the long run…

As a business leader, it is your responsibility to actively manage the energy of your workforce, cultivate the quality of your team’s relationships, and demonstrate a capacity for resilience to recharge your business during a crisis.

Pandemic fatigue is plaguing organizations and your team right now. In 2020, we’ve endured a global pandemic, a massive economic crisis, and widespread social unrest.

When you ask people how they are doing and you get beyond the cursory answers of “I’m fine” or “I’m managing through it,” a deeper level of challenges emerges: “I’m anxious, overwhelmed, and lonely,” “I’m completely burned out,” “I’ve lost my sense of optimism,” “I’m not sure how much longer I can keep going like this.” These experiences go beyond anecdotes: 75 percent of employees in the United States (according to FlexJobs Mental Health America Study this year) report symptoms of burnout.

While positive news about highly effective vaccines gives us new hope, it doesn’t change the fact that a lot of people are struggling—and that may be the case for many months to come. 

The pandemic, and our collective responses to it, are likely to result in permanent shifts in consumer preferences and buying behavior, business models, and ways of working. 

Unfortunately, grit and perseverance are no longer enough… we have to look after our team’s mental health. Let’s think in the terms of a graph for a moment. When the crisis hit, after the initial threat/impact - as business owners we took heroic responses - and so did many of our team members. In fact this lead to a very cohesive community in many businesses. Many of the business owners I work with have reported great communication, greater results and a happier team environment… then disillusionment hit and we’ve been on this downward trend since.

This has taken a long time… many of us are far more remote than ever. Many of us have suffered grief - personally from losing loved ones and for having the informal social fabric shipped from us. Life has not ‘bounced back’ like we thought it would. Work/life balance is not in check. Motivation, mental health and energy is badly affected.

Here are three things you can do as a business leader to reorganize your team and your business:

1 - Administer the antidote to disillusionment: Bounded optimism.

Display inspiration, hope and optimism - that’s tempered by reality.

Build confidence but keep real.

As the prospect of a vaccine nears, this concept is more important than ever. Bounded optimism cautions against thinking a vaccine will return life to normal in a few weeks. Even if a vaccine works and is safe, it will still need to be manufactured and distributed, and people will still need time to process what has happened to their lives during the pandemic long after a vaccine is available. Your role is to show compassion, and to temper hope with a realistic framework that resonates with your team.

The Stockdale Paradox offers insights into why bounded optimism is so critical, particularly in this phase of burnout… if you have not heard about The Stockdale Paradox, I highly recommend you spending a few minutes to read about it.

2. Listen for signs of exhaustion and other natural responses to stress  

And offer support to those that need it. Mental health is real and as a leader - while you may not need your mental health nurtured - have the understanding to realize others need it. 

Provide resources, as needed, using your web of influence and tools within your organization - your HR lead, the insurance company you work with etc.

3. Proactively care, connect and provide well-being

Since the start of the pandemic, companies have launched all kinds of initiatives, ranging from wellness programs to videoconference happy hours, in support of their teams. Never has it been more important to keep these initiatives active, and to adapt them as we move forward.

Unable to help a holiday party this year… then what else can you do? Don’t just add a financial bonus… how else can you connect….

OK - so in summary - your team are getting fatigued with this pandemic. It’s your responsibility - and it benefits you - to build their energy. So do what you can to provide bounded enthusiasm, listen & react to those that need help, and proactively offer care and connection.

Now it’s your turn. How are you supporting your teams?

Any good advice for others?

Post here – I would love to know.

If you found just one nugget of advice or inspiration in this quick video useful, then please do me a small favor - like and share.

Follow this page & join me next Tuesday - when we’ll take another look into Entrepreneurship and business ownership for today’s economy.

My name is Nick Leighton and I wish you passion, profit, and happiness.

Would you like to find out more about the three success strategies of a successful business owners? Join me for my next free webinar where I will give you insight and provide you the templates you need for your success - 

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