online store The 2021 Strategic Planning Group Sample Agenda — EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

So, you’re thinking about getting the team together to plan for 2021. Let’s start off by agreeing that 2020 was a slightly different year, and also that your planning for 2021 will be slightly different. While you used to bring in your team for a one-day, off-site planning workshop or summit, this year — well — you will probably be more socially distanced.

If you need to plan for a virtual event, then we need to make some changes. I highly suggest making the following updates this year:

  1. Break it up - instead of one full day, consider two half days. Let’s face it, being on Zoom for more than 3-hours is not fun or productive…

  2. Simplify the agenda - while we could do a lot more in person, we need to slim this down when we are virtual. For example, while team-building events are important and possible remotely (ask me I have some great ones), maybe we need to remove them from this agenda.

We've created this two-part-day strategic planning agenda to help with your planning needs, To maximize your time, make sure to get your team involved prior to your strategy meeting. The more they can be prepared (for example, reviewing the 2020 financials) the more productive you’ll be.

Suggested Agenda

Day 1…


Review year to date

Review of company vision and values


Review your long term plan (probably 3 and 5 years)

Set your coming year’s critical success factors (what HAS to happen)

Set your coming year’s goals (financial and non-financial)

Start a List of Key Issues needed to hit your goal

Day 2…

Review, add to and prioritize to your Key issues list from the last session

Tackle Key Issues


Continue with key Issues

Agree on success factors and how you will celebrate your wins

Next Steps - who does what, when, where, and how.

If you want to make the most of your limited time for strategic planning, learn more about using a facilitator for your session.

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