online store Exactly Where You Are Now - COVID right now and your 2021 Business Plan [Video] — EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

As a business owner, we have never been in a better place since COVID hit than we are right now. With all crises, we start data-poor - and as time goes on data becomes more available... and in data we trust. Right now you can plan for 2021 with far more certainty. Find out more...

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Transcript of video:

My name is Nick Leighton and for the next few minutes, you are exactly where you want to be.

This is originally recorded December 1, 2020, for Facebook Live - uncut and uncensored.

This week - let’s look at exactly where we are now.

As a business owner, we have never been in a better place since COVID hit than we are right now.

As with all crises as time goes on data becomes more available and in data we trust.

A journey has a start and an end and so it is with business. By now you know where you want your business to go and you’re probably finished or at least someway complete with your plan for 2021.

Today more than ever before we actually know where we are. As of recording this the first day in December 2020, we know that we in North America and many parts of the world are going to be in some type of lockdown for the next few weeks. We know that we are going to hit the hit harder by Covid than ever before. We know more people close to us are going to be affected. We know that business will be deeply affected.

At the same time, there is light at the end of the tunnel. We can more accurately predict that the vaccines that are now being approved will allow us to be back to business as normal in late Q2 and Q3 of 2021.

We know where we are. We know where we want to get. It is now your job as a business owner to connect the two dots.

Build your strategy. Deliver your tactics. Together we can achieve amazing things in 2021.

Now it’s your turn. What’s your focus right now?

Any good advice for others?

Post here – I would love to know.

If you found just one nugget of advice or inspiration in this quick video useful, then please do me a small favor - like and share.

Follow this page & join me next Tuesday - when we’ll take another look into Entrepreneurship and business ownership for today’s economy.

My name is Nick Leighton and I wish you passion, profit, and happiness.

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