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The Hidden Costs of Micromanagement


The Hidden Costs of Micromanagement

A key role of agency owners is pivotal in the fast-paced world of marketing, where creativity and innovation drive success. Let's delve into why micromanagement could be hindering your agency's growth…


How Do I Become a Better Manager?


How Do I Become a Better Manager?

All managers always have the same question in their minds, how do I become a more effective manager? The management of an organization has a significant impact on not only the performance of individuals, but also the overall performance of the company…


What Is the Best Way to Manage My Team?


What Is the Best Way to Manage My Team?

Managing is a task that individuals face every day. Management skills are relevant for everyone, regardless of their position, role, or setting. The word managing is just one word, but it entails a broad range of aspects that have to be addressed when it comes to managing. Time management, process management, control, scheduling, and planning are all part of managing…


Do You Manage To Lead?


Do You Manage To Lead?

People often assume that being a manager means you’re a leader. But does being a good manager make you a good leader? There are about as many similarities between the two as there are differences. The main difference is that leaders inspire others to believe in their vision, whereas managers hire and guide people, often without any buy-in to the vision…


Empathy vs Compassion


Empathy vs Compassion

From my desk during COVID-19 (June 2020), there are a lot of business leaders that I have spoken to that are tired. They don’t go as far as saying his, but they are demonstrating that they are burnt out. Why and why now?
