In my last article, I kicked off a series discussing the four traits that every great leader should possess. So far, we’ve partially touched on the first factor: productivity. Now, I’m going to give you some practical tips on how you can master your workweek in order to become more productive.
Where did your workday go?
You can work hard throughout your entire eight-hour workday and still not be productive. In fact, a lot of people do just that. If you've ever felt like there aren’t enough hours in the day, know that most of us have been there, too.
I remember early on in my career when I’d get to work at 8 a.m., pumped up and full of caffeine, ready to tackle the day. I’d have every intention of finally catching up on all of my work before 5 p.m. Later in the day, prompted by my growling stomach, I’d glance at the clock to see if it was time for lunch and find that it was almost time to leave for the night.
With my workday over and little to show for it, I felt defeated on a consistent basis. I blamed it on high workloads, short staffing, meetings, interruptions — the list goes on. Looking back now, I wish I could thump that poor schmuck on the forehead. The only person to blame was me.
You live in a world filled with distractions.
Distractions want to pull you away from one thing to another and another until the day is over and you have nothing to show for it but a bad case of whiplash.
If you want to be a great leader, you must be able to work through these distractions to be productive. They’re not going anywhere. Since every single person deals with them, you can’t blame distractions for your lack of productivity, or for your ability to be a great leader. So, what can you do?
The key is quantity over quality. As I write in my book, Exactly Where You Want To Be: A Business Owner's Guide to Passion, Profit and Happiness, "The greatest leaders always seem to get more done. They power through work without skimping on quality and still manage to enjoy hobbies and family time.” You might need to read that again: I seriously recommend quantity over quality.
You must be able to master your workweek.
Own your workweek. Don’t allow it to own you. The example I shared with you regarding my workday passing in the blink of an eye was completely avoidable. While I remained busy with work all day, my lack of productivity stemmed from my failure to properly plan my workweek.
Taking the time to master your workweek is incredibly beneficial. Each week, you should set aside a few hours — either at the start of the week or the end of the previous week — dedicated solely to planning a detailed schedule. Here are five ways you can master your workweek:
1. Set a schedule, and stick to it.
Put it in your calendar, and seriously plan to stick to it! Of course, things will vary, but by taking the time to make a detailed plan of your workday, you'll likely not only feel less stressed, but you will also end up being more productive. Plus, checking items off your to-do list or schedule can be quite therapeutic.
2. Make sure your weekly plan includes time for yourself.
You can’t be a great leader for other people if you’re not one for yourself. Do not feel guilty for taking time to learn, relax and enjoy yourself. Make yourself better.
3. Work on your business, not in it.
Plan out where your valuable time is best spent. Stop micromanaging the small stuff. Delegate or outsource smaller tasks. Do only the actions in your business where there is the maximum return, and find someone else who can do everything you don’t love doing.
4. Manage your expectations.
If you set goals for the week, make them practical and achievable.
5. Leave room in your schedule for interruptions.
You know that something urgent and important will come up, so leave room to deal with that. Of course, if it doesn’t, you now have time scheduled for something to better yourself.
While we’re talking about productivity, know that none of these suggestions will be possible if you are not at peak health. As entrepreneurs and business owners, we sometimes prioritize work over our own healthy habits — don't. There is plenty of credible research from all over the world that supports the link between productivity at the workplace and health, including mental, emotional and physical health. The overwhelming evidence of a serial connection from health to productivity to wealth should be enough for all serious business owners to take a deeper look at their own productivity before they start another unproductive day.
Set up a time to chat now - here’s my schedule.
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