online store What is strategic leadership? — EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

Have you ever thought of comparing business to a game of chess? It's actually a pretty fitting analogy. Just like in chess, strategic leadership requires you to constantly adapt and adjust your strategy to reach your goals. You need to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of your team members, and be able to identify potential risks and opportunities as the "game" progresses.

Now, I know all this may sound intimidating, but don't worry, there are ways to make it easier. By using certain tools and techniques, you can streamline your approach to leadership and become a strategic mastermind in no time!

So, let's dive a little deeper into the world of strategic leadership.

What is strategic leadership?

A strategic leader sets a vision that's both exciting and attainable, and then puts in the work to make it a reality.

But, it's not just about having a vision. To be a top-notch strategic leader, you need to focus on a few key areas. This includes elements such as research to inform decision making, anticipating the future, and promoting innovative thinking.

So, in a nutshell, that's what strategic leadership is all about. It's about setting a clear direction and taking charge to guide your team towards success.

Research to inform decision making

When it comes to making informed decisions, research is key. And, it's not just about market or industry research. As a strategic leader, it's important to also listen to your team and get their perspectives. Keeping the lines of communication open through continuous feedback and knowledge sharing helps you stay on top of your game.

In other words, don't just rely on data and statistics, make sure to gather insights from the people you work with every day. This way, you'll have a well-rounded understanding of the situation and can make decisions that take everyone's needs into account.

Anticipating the future

It's about looking ahead and preparing for any challenges and opportunities that may come your way, not just for yourself as a leader, but also for your business and team as a whole.

Think of it like playing a game of chess - you always need to be thinking a few moves ahead in order to stay ahead of the competition. The same goes for business - by anticipating future challenges and opportunities, you can stay ahead of the curve and be ready to tackle anything that comes your way.

Innovation is a key aspect

By thinking creatively and encouraging your team to do the same, you'll always be ready with a wealth of ideas and solutions when faced with new problems.

It's like having a toolbox at the ready. You never know when you might need a certain tool, but by having a variety of options available, you're prepared for anything that comes your way. The same goes for innovative thinking - by being proactive and encouraging your team to think outside the box, you'll always be ready with a range of ideas and solutions when faced with new challenges.

Respectful communication

As a strategic leader, it's important to have a good understanding of what your team is capable of, and how you can help them reach their full potential. Tools like user manuals and One-to-one meetings can be really helpful in this regard.

Your job as a leader is to get everyone on board with your vision and align their individual goals with the goals of the team or organization. This way, your team will feel a healthy balance of challenge and opportunity, and be motivated to do their best work.

To keep the momentum going, it's also important to use goal setting and progress monitoring techniques like OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) and Goal, Signal, Metric. And, don't forget to recognize and celebrate your team's successes. This will not only boost morale, but also encourage more great work in the future.

When is strategic leadership effective?

Strategic leadership is at its best when the leader has some room for creativity. After all, if you can't influence the company's vision or direction, it can be tough to respond strategically to new challenges.

But, even if your organization has strict protocols to follow, you can still make strategic leadership work within your own team. To make it a success, you'll want to get comfortable with a few key tactics:

  • SWOT Analysis and Retrospectives to bring structure to your strategizing

  • Circle of Influence and Daily Sharing to help you and your team focus your efforts where they'll have the most impact and avoid micromanagement

  • How Might We and Prioritization to find and prioritize solutions to upcoming challenges as a team

Teamwork is critical here. You don't have to fully embrace a democratic leadership style and give everyone equal decision-making power, but it's important to take advantage of your team's experience. This way, you'll have access to a wider range of perspectives and ideas, and your team members will feel heard and valued.

Pros and cons of strategic leadership


  • Strategic leadership can create an innovative and dynamic work environment

  • It's highly adaptable and able to respond to change

  • It helps keep organizations commercially competitive


  • There can be a tendency to micromanage

  • If the vision and direction change too frequently, it can lead to ambiguity or disruption in the workplace.

Strategic leadership has its upsides and downsides, but when done well, it can help organizations stay ahead of the curve and thrive in a constantly changing landscape.

Is Strategic Leadership Right for You?

If you have the ability to impact the direction of your team or organization in some way, then strategic leadership could be a great fit for you! And, the beauty of this leadership style is that it can work well with other approaches. In fact, it can be considered very strategic to incorporate elements of other leadership frameworks as needed.

For example, during times of change, you could use transformational leadership approaches, and during periods of review, you could adopt democratic leadership to allow people to influence decisions based on their experiences.

So, if you're someone who enjoys adapting and being creative in your leadership, and have the power to influence the direction of your team or organization, then strategic leadership could be a great fit for you!

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Are you looking for someone to facilitate your next strategic planning session, or for a speaker to motivate your team? We have great solutions. Again, if we can help, please let us know by email or set up a call here.
