online store What is transformational leadership? — EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

Being a transformational leader is a big deal - and it's a powerful leadership style. Transformational leaders bring about change, handle pressure like a boss, and inspire their teams to do the same. These leaders have followers, not just subordinates.

Creating a supportive environment for your team, even in tough times, can be a challenge. But trust me, it's worth it! By being a transformational leader, you're focused on inspiring and motivating your team to reach their full potential.

If you're up for the challenge, being a transformational leader could be the right fit for you. Just remember, it's not easy, but the results are worth it!

What is transformational leadership all about?

Transformational leadership is all about inspiring and motivating your team to reach their full potential. You lead by example, set a vision for the future, empower others, and work together towards a common goal. The end result? Your team becomes stronger as a whole.

Think of it as a mix of coaching leadership and visionary leadership. You get to know your employees and help them achieve their goals, but you also focus on change. It's important to have a similar interest in processes and policies to make sure the benefits of your work stick around, even after you're gone.

Transformational leadership in action

A transformational leader isn't afraid to tackle obstacles head-on. They'll spot a problem and motivate their team to find a solution, playing to each team member's strengths. These leaders aren't afraid to get creative and push boundaries. They might take a few risks, but they consistently achieve more under pressure than other leaders.

In other words, transformational leaders lead their teams to success, even in tough situations.

Is transformational leadership right for you?

Don't worry, it's not just about charisma or experience. It's about being brave and having a toolkit full of tried-and-tested approaches to help you overcome challenges.

If you want to be a transformational leader, there are plenty of tactics you can use to bring structure to your leadership practice. Here are a few to get you started:

  • Team Tactics: Use the Productivity Blueprint to prioritize and show your team the impact of their work with Goal, Signal, Metric.

  • Workshop Tactics: Goal-setting exercises and retrospectives are key to effective leadership.

  • Idea Tactics: Encourage creativity and innovation with tactics like Worst Ideas Race and Like, Wish, Wonder. Inviting your team to share their ideas is a great way to motivate them and bring diverse ideas to the table.

  • Other resources: Master the art of one-to-one meetings, build psychological safety, and be an accountable leader.

When is transformational leadership the way to go?

Transformational leadership is best suited for times of change, and let's face it, change is always happening. This leadership style is highly valued for that very reason. You never know when a big event, like a global pandemic, will happen and you'll need a leader who can handle the pressure. Other instances where transformational leadership is effective include:

  • The beginning of a new 5-year strategy

  • Improving organizational culture

  • Adapting to serve a new market or customer need

  • During periods of major changes in structure, leadership, or policies

  • During or before times of team stagnation, when everyone is not reaching their full potential

  • During mergers, acquisitions, expansions, or downsizing.

Having a transformational leader in-house is great, but the skill can also be brought in through contract or interim managers. And if your work, organization, or industry is volatile, unstable, turbulent, or competitive, having more than one transformational leader would be ideal.

Pros and cons of transformational leadership

Pros: This leadership style can bring about positive change, work well in crisis situations, and boost team morale.

Cons: But if your team lacks trust, communication skills, and psychological safety, transformational leadership may not be effective. This is true for any leadership style, not just transformational.

How does transformational leadership stack up against other leadership styles?

Well, it's a highly sought-after approach and there's tons of research available on it! It's definitely worth considering if you're looking to elevate your leadership game.

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