online store 8 Simple Email Marketing Tips to Improve Your Open and Click Through Rates — EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

Email is one of the most widely used channels around the world, with over 4.3 billion people having an email address according to Statista. Not only is it where we receive our invoices, receipts, and notifications, but it's also a highly profitable marketing channel, with an average ROI of $43 for every $1 spent.

If you're not seeing the ROI you want, start by checking some basics:

  • Make sure you're using a reputable email provider to ensure that your emails are being delivered.

  • Verify your email list and remove invalid and dormant contacts so that you can reach more people.

  • Check whether your content is still relevant to your subscribers. If it's not, you'll find it hard to convert prospects.

Once you're confident in the technical side and the usefulness of your content, try out these simple tricks to get more out of the emails you send:

Include a subscription link in all your templates

Make sure to include a link to subscribe in all your email templates. This way, if someone forwards your email to a friend, they can easily join your list. Share your subscription link in as many places as possible to grow your database.

Simplify your template

Overcrowded templates can discourage people from reading your content and clicking your links. Make sure to simplify your template, including different sections that come together in a cohesive, easy-to-follow style.

Tease your next email on social media

If your emails contain exclusive content, try posting teasers on social media before sending out your email. Let people know that the content is only available to your email list, and use this incentive to boost your subscriptions over the long term.

Link your images

Include links in every image you use in your emails to help increase clicks. Images can stand out in your email and create a better user experience for your subscribers.

Segment your email data

Segmentation can boost open rates by 14.31% and increase clicks by 100.95%. Use criteria such as gender, location, purchasing history, and habits to send content tailored to your audience.

Target only the most active subscribers

Further segment your audience based on activity to give your email engagement and sales a boost. With the right tools, you can find out what segment of your email list spends the most time checking their inboxes and speak directly to them.

Encourage replies

Encouraging replies from your subscribers shows that you care about their opinions and can lead to valuable conversations. It can also improve your email deliverability, resulting in more of your emails being delivered to the inbox instead of spam.

Make every email count

Americans spend around five hours a day checking their emails, but only open 53% of the emails they receive and consider only 31% of them "useful." To keep engagement high, use the

Pareto principle and make 80% of your emails educational and only 20% self-promotional. Focus on the benefits rather than the product to make your promotions more compelling, which can increase clicks and ROI.

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