online store The Four Universal Truths Of Successful Business Sales — EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

Want a better business? Then you need better sales.

I recently shared how to increase your ability to sell — these were quick fixes. Here I want to go over the four universal truths of successful business sales — in other words, what it takes to continually improve your sales. After all, we know that long-term strategies build a winning business.

1. Stop selling to your customers. Instead, start helping your customers.

I know what you’re thinking, and no, I’m not contradicting myself. I’m not saying that sales are any less important than I’ve explained previously. However, today’s customer is looking to be helped versus being pitched to. They’re informed and are able to get answers to most of their questions online in a few minutes.

This means that by the time they get to you, they’ve already made part of the buying decision. Now, they simply need you to help them by informing them about the product they’re interested in buying. This is the time when you can help them to find the answers to any questions they couldn’t answer online. And it’s an opportunity for you to showcase how your product or service can help them solve a problem or fulfill a need.

Research shows that companies that help and educate their customers sell 47% more products than their competitors who only give a sales pitch. Make sure your sales process is “help” oriented.

2. Take advantage of technology to maximize your efforts.

If you’re still using Excel spreadsheets to track sales or manually tracking your customer relationship management, you’re holding your business back. No matter how proficient you are in these processes, there’s much faster and highly capable technology out there that will help your business thrive.

Consider investing in a quality customer relationship management (CRM) system. Old processes take up more of the time you can spend working on sales, building client relationships and growing your business. Plus, you can automate some of your follow-up processes, which could help you to turn far more of your leads into sales, because most sales fail in the follow-up.

But wait — there’s more. If you do invest in a CRM system and have not updated it for two consecutive weeks, then it is out of date, and you need to cancel that subscription. Go back to pen and paper — you’re not ready!

3. Sales is a science, not an art.

Sales isn’t an art, and it isn’t magic, either. With all of the data we can use to track, analyze and gain insights, it’s most definitely a science. This means you can find the formula to recreate positive sales experiences. According to Hubspot, here are just a few of the key metrics you should track and analyze in order to optimize your ability to close more deals.

• Average deal size.

• Average sales cycle length.

• Lead-to-deal conversion rate (sse this to follow up on your sales teams!).

• Calls per day.

• Number of deals in progress.

4. Get prospects to say no.

This seems counterintuitive, but the goal is to qualify leads and move unqualified leads out of your follow-up system. This frees up your time to spend following up on qualified leads. Consider asking these five questions about your prospects, and if the answer is no for any of them, consider them unqualified for now, and move on.

1. Does the customer have a pain point great enough to drive the need to change?

2. Who is responsible for making the purchase?

3. Does the prospect have a realistic budget?

4. Do you know their entire buying process?

5. Are they ready to purchase?

In Summary

Sales can be a scary part of running a business, especially when it can make or break the future of your business that you’ve worked incredibly hard on. When things get tough, remember this, which I share in my book, Exactly Where You Want to Be: “You’re already better at sales than you give yourself credit for. Trust your knowledge, live your passion, and channel those traits through a well-thought sales strategy.”

There is one trick I want to leave you with. Sales for the sake of selling sucks! You didn’t start your business to be a salesperson (plenty of those jobs exist already). You have to, as a business owner, know what the larger picture is — why, personally you are driving your business. This is not the next sales target, but your personal champagne moment. Cheers!

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