online store The Importance Of Identifying Your Ideal Customers And How To Do It — EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

Most new business owners have trouble determining their ideal customers.

For some reason, this seems to be one of the hardest things to do for a lot of the new business owners I work with. They tend to avoid narrowing down an ideal customer base because they think that they're narrowing their exposure by doing so.

Many business owners believe that if they market to every demographic, then they will bring in a greater number of customers. This, unfortunately, is far from true.

While narrowing your customer base to a smaller demographic may seem counterintuitive, it greatly increases your brand's exposure.

Once you identify your ideal customer, then everything else can fall into place. Stop fighting it, and do it. This will help you plan out your marketing and reach the customers who will actually enjoy what your business offers.

Let's see how you can do this.

Identify your ideal customer(s).

Start by creating your customer persona(s). I add plural in here because some businesses may have a few different ideal customer personas based on their services or the products they offer. If this is the case for your business, you will want to follow this process for each of your customer personas.

If you're not sure how to identify your customer persona, start this process by creating one for the most common type of customer you get. Or if you utilize any customer analytic tools, use those to identify your largest customer base. Social media might even identify this for you, as well.

Determine your core customer persona. 

Let's start with the basics:

• Age

• Gender

• Income

• Geography

Consider your ideal customer's psychographics.

It's not enough to stop at the basic core characteristics. You need to dig further. The more refined you can get on your customer base, the better you can pinpoint your marketing efforts to them so that they can find your services or products. Here are some things to consider:

• Their personal outlook

• Their opinions

• What they're most interested in

• Their attitudes

• Their values

• Anything else you can think of that helps you further drill down their profile type

Let's get granular:

• Where do they shop?

• What are their favorite brands?

• What are their hobbies?

• What are their spiritual beliefs?

• What does their family unit look like?

• How do they interact with family?

• What is important to them health-wise?

• What do they eat?

• What is their favorite show/movie/music?

• Do they have humanitarian interests?

• What does their working day look like?

• What does retirement look like to them?

• Where do they vacation?

• If they were taken to a desert island, what three things would they take with them?

Pull all of your information together to describe your ideal customer.

Of course, not all personas will have answers to all questions — that's totally cool. Take all of the data that you've collected and write out your ideal customer profile.

Let's give them a name. Get creative. Why? Because it's more fun. Have you created the "Grumpy Grandad," who loves bad jokes and can never find his golf balls? Or maybe "Chatty Kathy," who alphabetizes her kitchen pantry and is avoided by everyone in the break room? Or "Hopeful Henry," who seems color-blind when you look at how he dresses but can tell you why technology is amazing for three hours?

Bonus points: Go online and find a suitable picture to add to each customer profile.

Go get 'em.

From here you can figure out how to reach them and where to find them. You can create ads that are targeted toward them specifically. In today's world, you know you can use digital media to highly target — if you don't, you're throwing good money away.

Remember, there's a giant world of brands, products and service providers out there that are constantly marketing online and offline. The only way to stand out is for your business to speak directly to your ideal customer. You need to find them first before you have the chance to even tell them why your business is great for them.

While narrowing down your ideal customer can take some time and research, it pays off big time by helping you to minimize your marketing efforts and save money on wasted marketing dollars that are going out to people who are not your ideal customers.

As I share in my book, Exactly Where You Want to Be: A Business Owner's Guide to Passion, Profit and Happiness, "Marketing success can only come when you market the right stories to the right people."

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