online store The Ancient Greeks and the Spice Girls [Video] — EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

The Ancient Greeks and the Spice Girls can combine - yes seriously. When you put them together they give you great insight into how to run your company. Check out the video…

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Transcript of video:

My name is Nick Leighton and for the next few minutes, you are exactly where you want to be.

This is originally recorded on February 5, 2021.

This week - let’s look at an Ancient Greek concept and how the can help business owners today.

Sophrosyne is an ideal of excellence of character and soundness of mind, which when combined in one well-balanced individual leads to other qualities, such as temperance, moderation, prudence, purity, decorum, and self-control. 

In short - it is desiring what is needed, not what is wanted.

It’s a concept of Mindful moderation.

To some extent, I think we all agree.

Next, let’s add something my mentor once told me - there is only one reason to do something and that’s because YOU WANT TO.

Here’s where I believe the balance comes into play for modern business owners and entrepreneurs.

What do your goals look like for this year?

I would suggest to you - don’t chase the first, or the next, million dollars.

Instead - as the Spice Girls would say - Tell me what you want - what you really, really want.

And I mean this on the personal level.

What is meaningful for you.

Now, what does your business need to do to help you achieve THAT!

What are your businesses - Critical Success Factors - that brings you personally what you really really want?

I call that your Champagne Moment.

You can find out more on my next fee webinar - it will be linked below.

Now it’s your turn. Review your annual goals and make them meaningful. Bring a little bit of Sophrosyne to your world.

If you found just one nugget of advice or inspiration in this quick video useful, then please do me a small favor - like and share.

Follow this page & join me next Tuesday - when we’ll take another look into Entrepreneurship and business ownership for today’s economy.

My name is Nick Leighton and I wish you passion, profit, and happiness.

Join me for my next free webinar where I will give you insight and provide you the templates you need for your Champagne Moment - 

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