online store The Ultimate Factor Driving Your Agency's Top Talent Away — EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

In the world of marketing agencies – whether that’s a digital marketing agency, a PR, SEO, videography, or pretty much any type – where the currency is creativity and strategy, retaining top-tier talent isn’t just an advantage; it’s a necessity. Yet, a silent threat lurks in the shadows of even the most vibrant agencies: workplace dysfunction.


It’s the number one nemesis that sends your best people packing, and it’s a fixable issue.


Recent insights from a study by the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business spotlight a stark reality: proactive, engaged employees – the crème de la crème who thrive under pressure and deadlines – have minimal tolerance for office politics, resource shortages, red tape, ambiguous roles, and other workplace roadblocks. Conversely, those less proactive seem to weather the storm of dysfunction without batting an eye, seldom driven to the point of resignation.


Why this divide? Although the study, which surveyed 256 architects in a notoriously high-stress environment, didn’t pinpoint a definitive cause, it did shed light on the psyche of proactive employees. These individuals may feel a sting when their contributions go unrecognized or believe better opportunities await elsewhere. They place immense value on being appreciated for their work.


With this knowledge, action is non-negotiable. Eean Crawford, an associate professor of management and entrepreneurship, urges leaders to proactively inquire, “What’s hindering your progress and how can I eliminate it?” Addressing obstacles, especially those affecting your star players, can significantly mitigate the risk of losing them.


But it’s not just about removing barriers. Empathy plays a crucial role. Validation of your team’s feelings is pivotal – it’s about letting them know they’re heard and understood, even if solutions aren’t immediately forthcoming.


Looking to delve deeper into team dynamics? Drew Fortin, the founder, and CEO of Lever Talent, suggests a proactive approach to support: begin every one-on-one meeting with, “How can I assist you?” Listen intently, clarify by repeating back, and then act on it. This demonstrates care and commitment.


Reversing the evaluation process can also be enlightening. Encourage your team to assess your performance. Discuss the feedback openly to pinpoint how leadership might contribute to any dysfunction and work collaboratively towards resolution.


Crawford offers a sobering piece of advice for those agencies that find themselves unable to overcome systemic issues: consider recruiting less proactive individuals who are more tolerant of such environments, thus reducing the turnover of high-performing employees.


But let’s pivot the perspective. Rather than settling for less dynamism, why not transform your agency into a hub that not only attracts but sustains top talent? Here are actionable steps you can take to ensure your agency becomes a fertile ground for high achievers:

  1. Cultivate Transparency: Regularly communicate with your team about challenges and how the agency is addressing them. Transparency builds trust and a sense of shared purpose.

  2. Empower with Resources: Ensure your team has what they need to execute their ideas effectively. Nothing stifles creativity like the lack of proper tools or support.

  3. Clarify Roles: Define clear roles and responsibilities. Confusion breeds inefficiency and frustration. Each team member should know their part in the agency’s success.

  4. Recognize Efforts: Make recognition a ritual. Celebrate successes, both big and small. Let your team know their hard work doesn’t go unnoticed.

  5. Foster Professional Growth: Provide opportunities for professional development. When employees grow, your agency grows.

  6. Encourage Feedback: Establish a culture where feedback is welcomed and valued. It should be a two-way street that leads to continuous improvement.

  7. Nurture a Supportive Culture: Cultivate an environment where employees support each other and collaborate freely. Competition should be with rivals, not within the team.

  8. Lead with Vision: Set a clear and compelling direction for the agency. A shared vision unites and motivates.


Addressing workplace dysfunction isn’t just about retaining employees; it’s about fostering an environment where the best ideas flourish and individuals feel part of something greater. Doing so transforms your agency into a magnet for excellence—a place where top talent not only lands but thrives and contributes to a legacy of success.


Looking to build the best team ever? Let’s talk.
