online store How To Increase Your Ability To Sell — EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

There are four characteristics that all great business leaders have. The first two, productivity and motivation, have been covered in my previous articles. Next up: ability to sell.

Do Not Skip Reading This

Look, I get it. You're inundated with information about sales, sales, sales. Honestly, whether I'm speaking at a conference filled with business owners and upper-level executives or I'm mentoring a client who wants to reach a "champagne moment," I'm met with the same universal response when I mention sales — a groan or a sigh.

Every Business Owner Is A Salesperson

At the end of the day, every business owner has one primary concern — sales. Yet, the word "sales" seems to be met with opposition, annoyance or frustration by most business owners. Why is that? It’s because almost all of us have a fear of rejection. Yet, you sell all of the time, and you do it without even realizing it.

As a business owner, you live and breathe your product and services. It's the heart of why you opened or purchased your business in the first place. With your passion and in-depth knowledge about your company, you can discuss every single aspect of what you have to offer. You can do it both confidently and convincingly. You sell your business to every person you talk to about it.

You're already a salesperson through and through without even realizing it. And that's not the only sales — you're selling to your team, so they do their best work for you; your suppliers, so you get the best deals; and your family, as to why you do this crazy entrepreneurial thing.

Let me appeal to your rational brain so you can overcome the irrational fear of rejection in your sales.

Are You Allowing Expensive Customer Leads To Fly Out The Window?

If you want to achieve success for your business, then essentially, you need to achieve sales. But in order to achieve these sales, you first need potential customers to come your way. This is where most businesses use marketing to generate leads. Yet a lot of business owners allow some 90% of these sales leads to fly out the window. That's expensive. Stop doing that.

Are You Giving Up On Your Leads Too Soon?

Most customers require multiple contacts before they make their final buying decision; marketers often say somewhere between five and twelve. And usually, the fewer contacts you make with your customer, the lower your chance of closing that sale. If this doesn't convince you to keep a better eye on your sales and those of your team, I don't know what will.

Stop Losing Advertising Dollars To Improper Prospect Follow-Up

So many business owners out there don't realize that their lack of follow-up is what's contributing to their low sales numbers. It's literally contributing to the downfall of their business. Instead, they — or their sales team — are giving up on prospective customers too soon. If you're only following up between zero to four times on prospective customers, then I believe you're literally wasting your marketing dollars. You're sending hard-earned money flying out your window.

In Summary

Sales is an essential part of your business, but with that comes follow-up, as well as sales team management. If you don't have a solid plan for follow-up, touchpoints or other types of contacts for your business, now is the time to implement one. This is essential if you want your business to succeed. Sales are possible, but you do need to follow up.

In my next article, I’ll be going over the four universal truths of successful business sales. Don't miss it.

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