Competing against big businesses with endless marketing funds can seem overwhelming at first glance. But I like to remind my clients that there’s never been a better time to be a small business owner!
What makes me say this? Because of an ancient marketing tool — I like to call the secret ingredient — that’s giving small business owners a big voice in today’s market.
What’s this secret ingredient?
Storytelling. The art of storytelling has been around since the beginning of time. Well before the written word was invented, humans would draw pictures in caves to tell their stories. Since then, storytelling has never lost its significance.
Who doesn’t love a good story?
As kids, we were drawn into stories our parents and teachers used to teach us valuable lessons. Stories capture our imaginations and can captivate and engage us in active-listening experiences. This makes storytelling a powerful marketing tool.
As the Hopi American Indian proverb goes, “Those who tell the stories rule the world.”
I love this saying because it’s spot on. Storytelling is an essential part of every successful marketing campaign.
With so much noise out there, from traditional corporate messaging to clickbait ads that lead nowhere, it’s no wonder that consumers are craving authentic experiences.
This consumer trend gives small businesses — you — the opportunity to tell your story in a way that stands out from your competition for a fraction of the price.
If storytelling is the key to every marketing campaign, what is the key to storytelling? These ingredients include:
• Knowing your audience
• Keeping your story fresh and simple
• Being honest
• Demonstrating credibility
• Sparking interest
Your story doesn’t need to be pages long; it simply needs to build curiosity and credibility for your business and your brand. Your story is what will invoke an emotional response from your audience. It’s the secret sauce that gives you the edge over your big competitors.
If you’re having trouble identifying your story, this can help you: Pretty much all stories have the following elements knitted together, which make them great. Think about how you can write your story using this simple template:
• The protagonist – That’s your lead character (possibly the business founder)
• The antagonist – What caused the problem (someone or something)
• The inciting incident – An event makes the protagonist take action (Why did you start your business?)
• The call to action – The action that then ensued (the fun adventure of starting a business)
• The dreadful alternative – What would happen if the protagonist didn’t take action?
• The conflict – The struggle (I’m sure it wasn’t all smooth sailing. Where was the hardship?)
• The quest or progression – Give us some milestones or history
• The other characters – If you didn’t do it alone
• The transformation – How you or your target market has changed
• The moral – Why that change is important
Finishing the story is often the hardest part. As an entrepreneur or business owner, you should be well aware that you’re not at the end, so how can you end your story? There are five common endings to a story, so choose the one that works for you:
1. “Happily ever after…” This is when peace is in the marketplace and all conflict is resolved.
2. “The moral of the story is…” This pulls on the lessons learned to date in your journey.
3. The cliff hanger – You're moving toward the goal, but your final outcome is still unclear.
4. Universal truth – Summarize how good overcomes evil and wisdom prevails.
5. Transformation – Discovery changes the future of the entrepreneur or marketplace.
As a business-leader exercise, write out your story in long-form. Once you have your story, you can adapt and rewrite it according to how you need to use it for your integrated marketing.
A little inspiration for your story: At the beginning of my career history, I had a job reading potential movie scripts. As my mentor and movie producer briefed me for that job, I learned there are only two types of stories that make great movies: usual people in unusual situations and unusual people in usual situations.
'Tell me your story.'
The ability of a business owner to tell a captivating story has a direct correlation with how quickly they will reach their business goals — or what I like to call their champagne moments.
Discover your story. Gain an edge over the large, impersonal competition, and live your success.
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