I’m fond of saying you need three things to get a team top-performing. That’s processes, accountability, and motivation. The first two are concrete strategies that you pretty much implement ‘objectively’ once you know how (send me a message if you’d like that insight). The third - motivation - is a little more tricky. There is no ‘one size fits all’ - it is dependent upon your team. Different people need different motivations.
So, how do you know how to motivate your team?
The owners, entrepreneurs, and businesses I work with have this dialed in because we conduct DISC assessments for everyone. If you haven’t completed DISC assessment for your team then I would highly recommend it (direct message me if you would like to know how to do that). Short of that, here is a little insight to help you…
There are 12 Driving Forces - personal drivers or motivators; the “why” someone does what they do. These 12 Driving Forces helps to uncover and explain a person’s motivating factors. Motivators/drivers can be thought of as the areas of life that a person is passionate about or things perceived by an individual as important. A person's drivers provide their purpose and direction in life.
The 12 Driving Forces are based on six keywords, each driver representing two unique approaches to the six keywords. There is no “good”/“bad,” or "right/wrong;" the Driving Forces simply measure what motivates a person's behaviors. In the chart below, the keyword is in the middle and the corresponding Driving Forces appear on each side of the six keywords. All descriptions represent people...
It’s not rocket-science, but it is insight.
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