online store Peer Advisory Boards: Myths And Facts — EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

You’ve probably heard of peer advisory boards, and if you’ve been a business owner for any significant amount of time, there’s a good chance you’ve participated in them.

Peer boards can be incredibly useful for gaining valuable insight from like-minded individuals as well as those who take far different approaches to business. The fact that they are composed of members, not of the same industry, allows you to get insight, practices and techniques from multiple industries. Besides that valuable insight, there are many other reasons why they could drive your performance or bring you positive ROI.

Despite their popularity, there are many myths about peer advisory boards. It can be easy to believe these myths and dismiss the concept of a peer board but doing so can mean that you’re missing out on an opportunity to improve your organization.

Myth: Only failing companies need peer advisory boards.

It’s understandable to think that bringing on a peer board composed of outside members is a sign of a hurting organization. If solutions can’t be found within the company, isn’t that a negative indicator for the company?

The fact is that peer advisory boards are used by some of the most successful companies in the world. Even when things are going well, it is beneficial to speak to other business owners so that you can keep a pulse on the market and overall economy. The advice you receive might help you avoid stumbling in the future.

In fact, the majority of the board members I work with right now can chalk up 2020 as their best year ever, despite the many challenges they have faced.

Myth: Peer board members are opportunists, only interested in increasing their own profits.

It is true that people join boards with the overall intention of improving their companies, but that doesn’t mean that they are simply trying to sell their products or services to other members. In fact, many board members see these meetings as opportunities to get away from the constant selling they are often tasked with.

Advisory boards can be made up of members of companies that would otherwise have no reason to work together. The cross-industry experience and knowledge can be beneficial to all. While there may be opportunities to network on a professional service level, this doesn’t change the overall benefit that they can provide for all of their members.

I facilitate three different boards. While selling is "permitted," there is little cross-selling and much more cross-advice, connections shared and recommendations given.

Myth: The strongest leaders don’t need outsiders to help them run their business.

Strong leaders are important for any company, but no one person is infallible. In truth, the strongest leaders are ones that can admit they don’t know everything and are willing to reach out for assistance.

There’s truth to the statement “It’s lonely at the top.” Leaders of successful organizations often put themselves under extreme stress and take on too many responsibilities. Advisory boards can allow these leaders to vent about their frustrations without taking on the risk involved with divulging this information to internal employees. People from all walks of life can give objective feedback and advice, allowing business owners to truly analyze their strengths and weaknesses.

There are times when leaders feel overwhelmed, anxious and unsure of what to do. But those feelings are not always welcome from a corporate level and might instill a lack of confidence in employees. By meeting with peer advisory boards, these leaders can learn some new ideas without causing others to lose faith in their abilities.

In the boards I facilitate, we’ll take a quick pulse check at the beginning and end of the board. Any anxiety, uncertainty or doubt voiced at the front end is almost always reduced or removed by the end of the board.

Myth: My industry is specialized so I can’t benefit from outsiders.

While certain industries have highly unique problems and specialized solutions, businesses in every industry face many of the same challenges. In the end, every company strives to be profitable and to gain market share. They can accomplish these things by being industry leaders in certain regards, but they also must engage in ethical business practices, scout and recruit quality talent and employ strong sales and operations teams.

Advisory board members may not be able to speak to the technical details of your industry, but they can certainly provide insight into the human aspects of theirs. In the end, there are many universal standards and practices that can be advantageous to all companies, no matter how small and concentrated their niche is.

I’ve yet to meet any business owner that does not have valuable information and insight from their own experience to share with other business owners.

Myth: I don’t have time to sit on an advisory board.

Time constraints are a real concern for many leaders, but they are not an excuse to avoid potentially beneficial practices. You don’t have to commit any certain amount of time if you want to join an advisory board. The trade-off, however, is almost certainly worth it. The things you learn from other prosperous business leaders may prove invaluable to the overall success of your company.

As I share with business owners, if you are working an average of 40 hours a week and spend three to four hours a month in a board meeting, that’s only 2.5% of your time working on — not in — your business. Is that enough strategy for your business?

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