Entrepreneurs are often great at being control freaks. While this allows some to be more strategic in their business moves when needed, it also means that they tend to delegate less often than they should. Failure to delegate properly can lead to quick burnout and can slow or even halt a business’s growth.
Successful entrepreneurs play the game a little differently. They keep their eyes on the big picture. By zooming out and seeing the whole view, they can see where they can minimize their efforts while maximizing profits and growth. They see all of the processes that can be delegated, and they understand which ones they need to do for themselves.
The 80/20 Rule
The Pareto principle — or the 80/20 rule — states that roughly 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. Pareto was given credit for this principle after showing that 80% of Italy’s land was owned by 20% of the population.
The most interesting thing about this principle that’s used in everything from math to sales training is that it’s oddly true in most real-world situations. Whether it’s a phenomenon or simply the perfect equation that fits into universal scenarios, it works somehow.
If you have trouble delegating, the 80/20 rule puts things into perspective.
If you find yourself having trouble delegating tasks because you’re worried that nobody on this planet can do things as fantastic as you can, this rule might help you release your tight grip. For every 80% of the tasks you do, only 20% of them actually produce results. If these tasks have such a small impact on your business, you might as well delegate them out.
The 80/20 rule will apply to your business if you don’t “let it go.”
In my business book, Exactly Where You Want To Be, I share why 80% of businesses fail and only 20% succeed: “Business owners tend to do everything, which isn’t practical as you grow. As the business becomes dependent on you, you focus on your passion less and less. You’re bogged down with processes and this leads to burnout and prevents your business from growing. Instead, do what you love, outsource the rest.”
Time is a commodity for most entrepreneurs, and the best way to treat it as such is by letting go and outsourcing the work that you don’t love doing — or work that’s beneath your pay grade. At the end of the day, delegating tasks that you don’t enjoy doing can impact your business’s success.
You have several options for outsourcing these tasks and assignments. You can hire an employee, a contractor, a service if there’s one that fills a specific need or a freelancer. However, it’s important to understand that simply letting go of the work doesn’t solve your problems entirely. You need to set the project you’re delegating up for success. Let’s look at how you can do that.
Follow the 10/80/10 success factor when delegating work.
I’ve been a business coach for two decades, and I’ve learned that a lot of business owners fear delegating their work because they don’t know how to do it the right way. This is why I created this easy-to-remember method.
My 10/80/10 Success Factor For Outsourcing
• The first 10% of outsourcing is on you to set up the work correctly. This is where you as the business owner have the responsibility to set clear expectations and define clear goals. You should fully explain what end result you’re looking for. You also need to make sure that you provide all of the right tools, instructions and information on specific processes for the person completing your project or task. The goal is to give them everything they need for successfully completing your project.
• The next 80% is on them for completing the work that you’ve delegated to them the right way.
• The last 10% is on you again. This is where you do a thorough quality check of the project, ask for revisions if necessary and finish by adding your entrepreneur touches to the project if needed. Lastly, review how the delegation project went and look for processes or areas where you can improve the process going forward to achieve optimal success and efficiency.
Whether you’re a novice entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, you should always be looking for ways to do things better. One of those ways is by having a plan like this 10/80/10 plan for outsourcing processes as your business grows. By allowing others to do more tasks, you can focus on doing what you love and growing your business.
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