You finally found the perfect business owner advisory board to join. You connected with the peers you met there and the facilitator, but is the price going to be worth it? Before you dismiss the thought of joining a peer board, you might want to look at the return on investment you could be passing over if you walk away.
I first joined a peer board in 1999, and it allowed me to grow my marketing agency to three offices in two countries, land some of the largest companies in the world as clients and then eventually sell my agency in 2009. I got so much out of being on a peer advisory board that today I facilitate boards to help business owners achieve what I call their "Champagne Moments."
Here are some of the ways that joining a forward-thinking board of committed business owners can help you grow in your performance, drive ROI and even improve your quality of life.
1. A peer board can encourage your business growth.
By nature, peer-to-peer advisory boards bring together like-minded business owners across a variety of industries to share their insights and expertise in order to help each other’s businesses grow. In business owner advisory boards, members come together as equals in business, with a shared goal of growing their companies and developing their own skills as business owners and leaders. This creates an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust, where members can be open about their opportunities and challenges, and where everyone can walk away smarter and stronger than they were before. Being part of a forward-thinking group also helps you brainstorm and look for new improvements that can increase your profitability. You don’t know what you don’t know, but your peer group might.
2. Your peers can help you steer clear of costly mistakes.
As I wrote in my book, Exactly Where You Want To Be, “Peer advisory boards are full of amazing people with amazing experiences. They are happy to help others steer clear of the many land mines on the business ownership road by offering open dialogue, continued education, and honest accountability.” When you’re around a group of business owners at different stages of growing their businesses, you’re met with a unique opportunity to learn from their experiences, which includes their mistakes. This allows you to keep an eye out for pitfalls in the future if you’re met with a similar situation or when you hit a specific growth point. Just avoiding one costly mistake could save you more than your membership dues for the next year or two.
3. It forces you to work on your business, not just in your business.
One of the things that tends to hold business owners back from building their business is that they don’t make time to work on their business instead of just working in their business. Many business owners look at their business plans at the beginning stages of opening their business and then maybe once a year after that. You have to stay true to your business vision, but business moves quicker today than ever before. Joining a peer advisory board forces you to think strategically more often.
4. It gives you a place where you can validate your thoughts and find accountability.
What better place to sound out your new ideas and validate your thoughts than with your peer group that wants to see you succeed? Plus, as you make decisions that you want to start implementing, your peers can help hold you accountable to make things happen. Think like a gym accountability partner, but on a more extensive and revenue-generating level.
5. Your peers can help augment your core competencies.
We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. Every member of the peer advisory board comes with their own unique skill sets, so you can learn from each other and fill in knowledge gaps where you might not have a core competency today, and share tools and build additional connections to valuable partners.
6. It provides you with an outsider’s perspective.
When you’re too close to your business, it’s extremely difficult to see the issues or opportunities that might be glaringly obvious to someone else on the outside. Cultivating a group of unbiased outside observers is an excellent way to expand your perspective. (This can be especially helpful for family-owned businesses, which often suffer from relying on the advice of too many family members who have similar points of view.)
7. Being part of a peer group that’s not industry-specific helps to cultivate “lightbulb moments.”
This is one of the best values that a peer board made up of members across various different industries and disciplines brings to business owners. A business owner who has been in manufacturing for 40 years is going to have unique insights and questions for a business owner whose business revolves around wholesaling. It’s those kinds of differences we bring to the table that tend to spark those true lightbulb moments that can be game-changers. And in most cases, lightbulb moments pay for themselves with either an income boost or expense savings.
Need more convincing?
At the end of the day, it’s up to you to count the costs of how much you stand to gain from joining that business owner advisory board. If you find yourself still on the fence trying to figure out whether or not this is the right move, consider asking a few peers in your prospective group about what they’ve gained from their membership.
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