We all like to be rewarded and recognized when we do a great job. While it’s not always feasible to notice every accomplishment, it’s important that as a leader, you’re looking for opportunities to reward and recognize your team. Regularly recognizing your team’s efforts will not only help boost productivity and build a positive team culture, but it also will help instill loyalty that leads to reduced turnover.
I’m not talking about rewarding the individual members of your team — although that’s important too, and I covered it recently. I’m talking about team-level motivation.
There are many occasions when you should recognize your entire team for their efforts. Perhaps your department increased productivity, completed a system conversion, reduced expenses or reached a special goal you set for them. In these cases, recognizing and rewarding the entire team is a great way to celebrate their achievements. But before you worry about the cost of giving a bonus to the whole team, remember that rewards don’t have to involve cash incentives.
There are tons of creative ways you can recognize and reward your team for a job well done without breaking the bank. Let’s look at a few of those here.
1. Fun Rewards That Can Be Implemented In Almost Any Corporate Setting
While many offices already allow casual attire, if you have not, consider doing so when a special occasion calls for it. Offering your team members the chance to come in wearing jeans or casual workwear might just be viewed as a perk by some of your team members. So why not offer casual workdays like Flip-flop Fridays as a thank-you for a job well done? That’s easy and costs you nothing.
Another thing most team members love is food. Consider rewarding your team with donuts, healthy snack choices, a pizza party or a catered lunch when they achieve a goal. Some other ideas include purchasing a popcorn machine for employees to make afternoon snacks, serving gourmet coffee or having the refrigerator stocked with soft drinks or ice cream.
You might even consider changing up the office setup. Perhaps you could move some of the comfy chairs from other offices out to a general space so that team members can work in different areas. This seems to work well for Google and Facebook, so maybe it will lead to improved productivity and innovation all around.
These are just a few ways to cultivate an environment that makes your team feel good about where they work. Have fun with it and be creative.
2. Team-Building Fun And Games Outside Of The Office
We all like to have a little fun once in a while. Team-building events and activities can be motivating, inspiring and uplifting. Just make sure they fit with your company culture and that all or most of your team members would enjoy doing them.
For example, you could put together a team and join a local softball or bowling league. Or host a contest around something that excites your team members. Have a family day or throw a company picnic where everyone can meet outside of work.
These fun-filled options encourage team members to get to know one another outside of the office. After all, a team that plays together stays together.
3. Team Events
If your team is celebrating a big accomplishment, consider rewarding them with a special event like taking the department out to a nice restaurant for lunch. Or do something fun like going to an escape room, playing golf or taking them out to a sporting event or an amusement park.
You might even be able to ask your suppliers or vendors if they would be willing to sponsor your special event. Some large companies have season tickets to events and attractions for this exact reason.
At the end of the day, you can use your creativity to find a way to host an outing away from the office. Even if it’s a scavenger hunt, or a simple walk through a free attraction, your team will love getting out of the office and doing something together that’s different than the everyday grind.
4. Continuing Education Opportunities
When team members continue their training and take courses related to their jobs, not only do they grow personally, but the company benefits as well. One of the best rewards you can give to boost team culture is the gift of continued education.
Offering tuition reimbursement or sending team members to training classes or conferences that help them grow are great ways to get a positive culture bump.
Think Outside The Box
These are just a few of the ways you can encourage your team without using cash incentives. There are thousands of different ways you can encourage your team members. If you’re having trouble coming up with a good incentive, consider asking your peers, surveying your team or researching it online.
With a little bit of extra effort and creativity, you can help your team feel acknowledged, special and cared about without breaking your budget.
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