online store Personal Vision — EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

Your personal vision helps you be clear about what you want to achieve from your whole life, personal and business. It also describes how you want to live your life and what kind of lifestyle. If you know where you want to be personally, you are in a better position to know how your business will help you get there.

Here’s an example:

  • Maintain controlling interest in my business and grow sales while reducing my workload, so I do not have to work on Fridays.

  • Take $450K annual income from my business to maintain my current lifestyle through multiple active and passive projects.

  • Take at least one week off a quarter. Two weeks should involve

  • international travel - to unusual places to experience life on the edge.

  • Time selling to major clients and handling media relations.

  • Make someone’s day every single day and use my business to bring wider help to 1 million people.

  • Be part of the business owner's success story.

OK - so how do we do this?

Look at the following questions and write a couple of words for yourself - what you think and how you feel. Trust your gut.

1. "Big Picture" Impact Areas

What activities can you do within your company that has the potential to bring about “Big Picture” impact? (Promote through public speaking, selling accounts)

2. Business Areas of Pleasure

How and where do you want to be involved in your business where you excel and have passion? (Creating new processes, selling big accounts, mentoring family members, developing strategic plans and alliances)

3. Activities to Delegate

What business activities that you are currently doing would you like to delegate? (bookkeeping activities)

4. Work Time Commitment

How much time do you want to spend working at your business during a typical week? (full-time consisting of at least 50 hours, three-day work week)

5. Desired Vacation Time

How many weeks each year do you want for vacation? (5 weeks each year for out-of-town vacations)

6. Desired Annual Compensation

What is the total annual compensation package desired from your business for you and your family that will provide the financial freedom you desire? ($250,000 annual salary, 4 weeks of travel each year, company car)

7. Intangible Rewards

What intangible rewards are important to you? (have the leading company in the industry, possess political influence, create high-paying jobs for employees, be honored by the business community for achievements in business)

8. Spiritual Beliefs

What are the spiritual beliefs that motivate you and bring happiness to your personal life? (being active in a religious congregation, closing business on the Sabbath and religious holidays)

9. Non-Business Activities

What non-business activities bring you peacefulness or contentment? (family time, hiking, reading, sailing, skiing)

10. Personal Achievements

What personal achievements that have the potential to bring personal fulfillment do you seek? (going back to school to get my MBA, writing a book)

11. Humanitarian Interests

What humanitarian interests are important to you? (volunteer time at children’s hospital, create charitable trust through business)

12. Health

What level of health, nutrition, and activity makes you feel good? (certain eating routine, diet, a personal trainer, so many steps a day, etc.)

13. Family Involvement

What family involvement is important to you? (home for dinner with family several nights each week)

14. Retirement Plans

Do you want to eventually retire or do you intend to remain involved in your business in either a part-time or full-time capacity? (never want to retire, always stay involved as CEO, ultimately want to totally disengage from business)

15. Business Exit Strategy

What is your business exit strategy? (sell or give business to family members, keep ownership and control with your son taking over as COO, sell to an outsider)

Once you’ve thought about the points above and written your thoughts it’s time to craft your personal vision statement. A short bullet list under a hundred words will work well.

Good Luck!

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