online store Building a Relationship and Marrying a Playboy Bunny [53-second video] — EXACTLY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

Finding an amazing wife and the next big sale have similarities…


So, I met my wife at Hugh Hefner's Playboy mansion in Los Angeles. Why am I telling you this? Because finding, dating, and proposing to someone - that's very similar to marketing your company and finding a new customer.

You gradually get to know someone and you build a relationship with them, and then you can make the sale at the end.

My wife told me on that first meeting that she loved watching baseball. She wanted to go to the New York Yankees stadium, in New York. So our second date was in New York. Our third date was information I found on my second day, which was the one city she wants to visit more than anything else was Bangkok. That was where our third date was. See what I'm saying? You don't walk into a bar, see someone who's pretty awesome and ask them to marry you.

That's what you need to consider in your marketing. What are the stages that you need to grow relationships with someone? So, eventually, you can get to the sale.

My name's Nick Leighton, and I wish you passion and happiness.

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